TFOE Map Game Wiki

Hello and Welcome to Sunny's first Map game! This is were the Middle East trys and Solves its Multiple Conflicts againest Teriroists. Make sure to ADD YOURSELF!

Turn Order[]

(SunnyKhan688) - Kitsune - Flaming Ninja Mapping - ImperialMapping - Augusto - Tonio - Koala AP - Miguel - Wrto

( ) = His/Her turn. [ ] = Skipped.


  • Never cheat or Banned
  • If your Not doing your turns for a Day your kicked and do it twice. Banned.
  • Be fair
  • Be clever and Have a Paragraphed Detailed Turn.
  • Never be crazy like: India takes over the world in One Microsecond for example.
  • Have fun and take time on your turn
  • Be Responsible
  • Alliance Amount for Countries is 3.
  • Atleast Make a Confederation like EU for example.
  • Only Annex 2 or less Provinces from a Country. Amount of Annexing Provinces from countries is Only 3 Countries.


SunnyKhan688: Founder

Miguel - Flagmaker

Flaming Ninja Mapping - Explainer



Pakistan -

Saudi Arabia - Generic AP/ Koala AP

Maps of Worlds-1428352930

Libya -


Yemen -

Oman -

ISIS - Anchulessed

Iran - Flaming Ninja Mapping

Iraq -

Afghanistan -

Turkmenistan -

Jordan -

Palestine and Gaza -

Egypt -

Israel -

Syria -

Morroco -

Algeria - SunnyKhan688

Tunisia -

Turkey - Imperial Mapping

Spain -

Italy -

China - Augesto

India - Lithuania12

Sudan -

Greece - wrto12

Uzbekistan -

Krgystan -

Tajikistan -

Kazakhstan -

Russia -Tonio 321

Nigeria -

Somalia -

Western Sahara -

Mauritania -

Niger -

Ethopia -

Eritea -

Djbouti -

France -

Montegro -

Bosnia -

Croatia -

Serbia -

Kosovo -

Albania -

Macedonia -

Bulgaria -

Chad -

C.A.R -

Cameroon -

DRC Congo -

Kenya -


Liberia -

Benin -

Senagal -

Ivory Coast -

Sierra Lone -

Ghana -

Togo -

Uganda -

Portugal -

Spain - Miguel

Congo -

Equaritual Guinea -

Gabon -

Qatar -

Bahrain -

Maldives - Kitsune

South Sudan -

Guinea -

Lebanon -

Cyprus -

Guinea Bissau -

Georgia -

Azerbaijan -

Armenia -

Romania -



Algeria - It Annexes more of Tunisia and Morroco. And plans to do a invasion on Sardinia and Sicily. And with that, it plans to make more tanks to be strong. Also it hacks the goverment of Libya, which will collapse in 2 years. Sooner or not, it seems that Algeria is doing a good job following its own commands and plans. And is now 10th Richest Economy.

Maldives - Remains Neutral for the whole game.

Iran - 





Saudi Arabian Kingdom: .

Spain -
